Frequently Asked Questions
Learn more about Vox Una
In Latin, Vox Una translates to ‘one voice.’ No better sentiment describes what we are attempting to achieve – the bringing together of students from all over St. Louis into one ensemble, singing together to ameliorate and transform our world.
While this ensemble is only open to students attending a Catholic high school, the repertoire will be both sacred and secular. One of the founding principles of this ensemble is to give students the opportunity to sing quality mixed literature that spans the centuries and genres. Music will be both accompanied and unaccompanied and will be pulled from classical, pop, multicultural, gospel, and other notable genres.
Rehearsals are weekly on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:45pm. Rehearsals begin August 13 and run through November. The spring semester resumes January 21, 2025 and runs through the end of May. Please see the member handbook for the complete schedule. Students are allowed 2 excused absences each semester. More than 2 (or any unexcused absences) may result in loss of membership. Members will also be expected to rehearse music on their own outside of weekly rehearsals.
Participation in concerts is mandatory, as choir is a team effort and requires the full participation of all involved. Any additional performances will be announced in a timely manner for families to check calendars and communicate conflicts with the Executive Director.
Tuition for the 2024-2025 season is $450. This covers many of the operating expenses of an ensemble like Vox Una, but not all. While there is no financial assistance available in this inaugural year, we are hopeful that can be a reality in the future.
All music purchased for concerts remains the property of Vox Una and students will be charged if music is damaged or lost.
Members are responsible for purchasing their own concert attire. Please see the Member Handbook for specific details. Members are also expected to supply a black binder.
Members of Vox Una Youth Chorale will be part of an elite and unique music experience. Composed of the most talented and dedicated singers from St. Louis’ single-gender Catholic high schools, the ensemble will perform quality literature that spans the centuries. Students will sing in multiple languages, refine their musicianship, hone their aural skills, and have the opportunity to perform in world-class venues. Integrity, discipline, tenacity and personal responsibility will be nurtured, and singers will experience the power of collaboration, and the joy of creating beautiful music.
*Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 2:30pm – Vox Una with Area High School Choirs
This special afternoon concert at the Cathedral Basilica will feature Vox Una, as well as a number of St. Louis’ standout Catholic high school choral programs. The event is free!
*Friday, April 4, 2025 at 7:30pm – VOCES8 Collaboration
As part of the Cathedral Concerts series, VOCES8 will be performing at the Cathedral Basilica. Vox Una is thrilled to be joining them on this concert! Tickets can be found at
*Thursday, April 17, 2025 at 10am – Chrism Mass
Vox Una will join the Cathedral Choirs to lead mass on this Holy Day.
*Sunday, June 1, 2025 at 2pm – Solo Concert
Your last chance to hear this stellar group will be June 1 at Little Flower parish in Brentwood, MO. Check back for ticket information!
Please refer to our Member Handbook or contact us via email.
Vox Una is open to any student currently attending a single-gender Catholic high school in the St. Louis area. Complete an interest form to audition.
Meet the staff
Executive Director Addie Akin founded Vox Una to provide a rich and professional musical experience for talented high school singers. Read more about our history and staff.